How a Hydrogen-Boosted Car Engine Really Works ? A Proven and Simple Method To Reduce Your Gas Bills

How you can reduce your gas consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and get more miles per gallon. Using an “Add on Hydrogen Gas Generator” can definitely improve your fuel economy as well as lower your greenhouse gas emissions and you can do it yourself. I have successfully used various means of improving my gas mileage by reducing friction losses with fuel and lubricant additives to compensate for high gas prices.

Improved gas mileage was up to 15% in gained fuel efficiencies with these, then available, methods. However, these methods did not improve combustion efficiencies. I even tried out magnets on the fuel line resulting in some interesting fuel economies, but no scientific explanation as to why. Then I discovered an aftermarket “Add on Hydrogen Gas Generator”, which produces small quantities of hydrogen gas for injection into the air intake of the engine. The results exceeded my expectations by far.

One of the many arguments offered against this method is based on a limited application of the 2nd law of thermodynamics and read here why it does not apply to this hydrogen enhanced combustion technique:

It is correctly argued that the electric energy, required to convert water into hydrogen gas, is greater than the energy available from the generated hydrogen. The multiplier or leverage effect the injected hydrogen has on the Normal 0 Normal 0 hydrogen enhanced combustion efficiency, when mixed with the fuel air mixture, is preferably ignored.

Take a look at this simplified equation on the power ratio of energy required to convert the water into hydrogen gas:

To convert water into hydrogen gas with such an “Add on Hydrogen Gas Generator” uses about 100watt (8.3Amp on a 12Volt system), which is equivalent to the power of a conventional domestic incandescent light bulb. Considering the car alternator efficiency at 60% then the power consumption of this 100watt “Add on Hydrogen Gas Generator” is 167watt or 1/4hp, which is an insignificant amount of additional power consumption.

Your Headlights will use that much!

Here is a more simplified explanation of your, by now, Hybrid Car Engine:

This small quantity of hydrogen gas, added to the fuel/air mixture, causes a faster burn rate. This hydrogen enhanced combustion, causing a faster burn rate, will take place over a substantially shorter distance of the piston stroke than it would otherwise; leaving a longer distance of the piston stroke to extract more useful work at reduced operating temperatures.

This applies to gasoline and, especially, diesel engines.

Call this leverage, because one small energy loss is offset against an increased energy gain at a positive multiple of the initial energy loss.

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