Auto Battery Reviews: Premium AGM batteries

A number of sophisticated features are incorporated in a modern car nowadays. But, most of the facilities including immobilizers, alarms and other kits are fully dependent on the battery of the car. So, it becomes extremely important to pick a good battery.

The physical dimensions that are expressed in three digit code is the center point to look up, while going to market for a battery. One of the most common tests is the testing of 063 sizes.

The maximum amount of current that a battery can produce in one go is measured by cranking amps, which is abbreviated as CA. This is one of the other points to notice, while looking for a battery. Another important parameter is the total amount of electricity a battery can hold, which is measured in AH (amp hours). When you consider the powerful batteries available in the market, then of course the premium AGM (Absorbent Mat) can not be overlooked.

Premium AGM batteries are a little expensive, but still they can start the engine even at discharged condition, as they are extremely powerful. A low level of charge can be provided by this battery for a long period of time without further degradation. For measuring the reserved power of the battery, each wire is attached with a headlamp of high output.

The measurement is confirmed by the time taken by the battery to be charged fully. The final test of a battery includes a rigorous testing of 24 hours with eight challengers in a temperature of about 18 degree. To take a load of 200 amps for 30 seconds, the measurement taken for total number of starts a battery requires, determines its power and based on all the above parameters, Premium AGM batteries are one of the supreme options in the market, though they’re definitely quite expensive by all means.

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